Your Journey With Us

We work with a diverse range of individuals and businesses. Below is our typical process for joining Matheson Charles.


1. Initial Conversation

This is completely up to you.


Don’t hesitate to get in contact. We are more than happy to have an informal initial conversation. We can explore your needs and discuss what you are looking for. If you're happy to, we’ll then book the discovery meeting at a time and place convenient for you.


2. Discovery Meeting

This generally lasts one or two hours.


This is the opportunity for us to assess your current financial position and to unearth and understand your future financial goals. We will discuss what you need but also ask to you dream a little to explore what is possible to achieve. All of this will be foundational to building your financial plan.

Importantly, this is also a great chance for you to meet us and see whether you feel comfortable working with us in the future. Trust is crucial so please, ask as many questions as you would like.


3.Gathering Information

Typically, this process takes 4 weeks. However, it all depends on how responsive your policy providers are.


With your permission, we then go away and gather all the information about your assets. We speak to the providers to scrutinise each holding to make sure they are appropriate to you and your plans.

At this stage, we also build a model of your financial future to assess how likely you are to achieving your goals. We then write recommendation reports relevant to your assets to make sure they are best placed to help you get to where you want to be.


4.Financial Life Plan Meeting

Again, this meeting will typically last one to two hours.


This is often the best and most informative meeting for you. We present and discuss your Financial Plan Report which is a complete assessment of your current financial situation and our recommendations for how we will help you reach your goals in the future.

This includes a lifetime cash flow which visually represents your financial journey and chances of success. It will also highlight key risk factors that we would recommend addressing.

We can also amend the advice at this stage should we agree that changes would be beneficial.

At this point, exact initial and ongoing fees are detailed. These are only payable should you wish to proceed to step 5.



Around 2-4 weeks is average for us to implement “typical” advice but we will let you know if our expectations are longer.

Again, we are at the mercy of provider timescales.


Having agreed on the best strategy to achieve your goals, we then help you implement your plan. This involves signing and completing application forms and liaising with 3rd party professionals if required.

We also track the progress of the implementation process and keep you informed at every step. We will also notify you when everything is complete.


6. Regular Review

At least annually but with additional contact at any point you wish.


Your finances and personal life evolve over time and are interwoven. At least annually, we have a meeting at a time and place convenient to you. This gives us an opportunity to review changes in your personal or financial situation and determine if these necessitate adjustments to your plan.

We also review your current plan’s progression to see if you remain on track and make sure you are taking advantage of the tax-efficient options.


Päijänne National Park, Finland